
FWIS Learning Goals

Preparing Students to Succeed in FWIS


By taking an FWIS course, students will:

1. Enhance their understanding of the central place of writing and communication in the learning process and in academic life.

2. Learn strategies for analyzing, synthesizing, and responding to college-level readings.

3. Improve their ability to communicate correctly and effectively in writing and in speech, taking into account audience and purpose.

4. Become comfortable with writing as a process and learn strategies—for instance, prewriting, outlining, and revision—for working through that process.

5. Learn appropriate use of the work of others and, where necessary, specific practices of citation.

6. Learn to articulate oral arguments and to respond productively to arguments of others in formal presentations and in class discussion.



For more information about our Communication in the Disciplines program, visit that section of our site.