Center for Academic & Professional Communication

Center for Academic &
Professional Communication
The CAPC is the home for student and faculty communication support at Rice.
Online Resources
First-Year Writing Intensive Seminar

First-Year Writing Intensive Seminar
FWIS courses will give you the communication foundation you need for success at Rice and beyond.
Course Descriptions
About FWIS
English As A Second Language

English As A Second Language
The PWC provides a host of services for Rice students whose first language isn't English.
COMM Seminars
About ESL
Communication in the Disciplines

Communication in the Disciplines
The PWC helps students learn to communicate in ways appropriate for their majors and intended careers.
About CID
Comm Pedagogy Network
Teaching Support
CID Projects
Program in Writing and Communication
The PWC cultivates superior communication skills in scholarship and professional practice to prepare the Rice community to contribute effectively in the global exchange of ideas.
PWC Anti-Racism Statement
The Rice University Program in Writing & Communication (including the Center for Academic & Professional Communication and the FWIS program) condemns racism in all of its overt and covert forms, including both the current and historical acts of racism, discrimination, and violence perpetrated in this country against the Black community and other peoples of color. Our program expresses solidarity with President DesRoches, as well as former Faculty Advisory Board member Dr. Tony Brown, in the fight against the systemic racism that has maintained and prolonged bigotry and hatred in our country, including in academia. We commit to continuing to educate ourselves about the diverse needs of our diverse community. We pledge to create welcoming and safe spaces for our programming. We aspire to help Rice community members use their voices to stand against racism and injustice -- and to use our voices to that end also. Finally, we invite feedback so that we can continue to support all members of the Rice community in ethical and caring ways.