
About the Center for Academic
and Professional Communication


The Center for Academic and Professional Communication serves as the communication support hub of the university for any written, oral, and visual communication projects within and across disciplines. To that end, our staff and peer consultants assist undergraduates, graduates, post-docs, faculty, and staff through one-on-one consultations, workshops, and other resources. We seek to empower the entire Rice community with the skills, tools, and confidence to become effective and successful in all communicative endeavors.


The CAPC is committed to providing an equitable learning environment and responding to the diverse communication needs of all Rice community members. The CAPC also values all backgrounds and voices in academic and professional communication; we respect all writers’ linguistic backgrounds/preferences, as well as differences in culture, race, ethnicity, economic status, disability, religion, gender, sexuality, and academic discipline. To this end, our staff receive ongoing diversity and social justice training, and we also strive toward building a staff that is representative of the larger Rice population that we serve.

Learn more about our diversity initiatives


Oral, visual, and written communication take many forms, and it's essential to adhere to best practices and guidelines for each. Our staff offer assistance with various modes of communication, including the following:

  • Written Communication
    • Academic writing
    • Scientific writing
    • Graduate school applications
    • Fellowship applications
  • Oral Communication
    • In-class presentations
    • Conference presentations
    • Research or elevator pitches
  • Visual Communication
    • PowerPoint slides
    • Research posters
    • Graphs and charts
    • Data visualization

Get In Touch

Contact Rice's Program in Writing and
Communication (PWC) or the Center for
Academic & Professional Communication (CAPC).