Ali Garib

Ali Garib is a Ph.D. candidate in the Applied Linguistics and Technology program at Iowa State University and an ESL Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Communication at Rice University. He holds an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Arizona State University and an M.A. in TESOL and Educational Technology from the University of Manchester. Ali is a Fulbright and Chevening alumnus. His educational experience extends beyond the classroom, as he has interned for ACTFL and served as a Digital Facilitator for World Learning.

Prior to joining Rice, Ali taught various communication courses at Iowa State University for four years. His professional experience encompasses over eight years of teaching ESL/EFL and oral communication across diverse international settings. Ali’s primary research interests span the areas of innovative teaching and learning, communication education, technology-assisted project-based language learning, CALL, and language teacher professional development and practices.


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